FeaturedGreat Husband Tips

Five Great Gift Ideas for Your Wife

Yes, your wife’s birthday comes around once a year.  Christmas… also once a year.  So does Mother’s Day.  Your anniversary?  You guessed it… it’ll hit you once a year too.  And yes, you are expected to get your wife a gift for every single one of these holidays.  Every single year.

With several different gifts that you are expected to purchase for your wife every year, it can be easy to feel like you are running out of ideas.  You want the gifts to feel well thought out.  You want to show your wife how much you love her.  And you have to do this birthday after birthday, holiday after holiday, year after year.

Well let me help you out a bit.  Here are 5 great gift ideas for your wife.  These ideas are thoughtful and special, they won’t get old, and they come in a variety of different price ranges.  Here they are, from most affordable to most expensive:

1. A Homemade Gift

Homemade Creations

Cost: $

Any homemade gift will be a win with your wife.  Especially if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, a homemade gift is a great option! Homemade gifts allow you to show your wife how much you love her and how special she is to you… but without breaking the bank.  Homemade gifts have so much sentimental value to them, that you don’t have to worry that you didn’t spend a lot on them.  These are the types of gifts that your wife will cherish for years.

2. A Gift Basket

Themed Gift Basket

Cost: $$

If you have a bit more money to spend, but you still really want to give her something that will have great sentimental value and really mean a lot to her, maybe consider giving her a gift basket.  Put together a basket with all of your wife’s favorite things.  Or, create a themed gift basket for her around one of her favorite things: if she likes to cook give her a pretty apron, a new recipe binder, a gift card to her favorite home goods store, and a fun new kitchen toy.  If she likes to take baths, create a bath themed gift basket for her: include some bubble bath, a bath pillow, a good book to read, a few candles, and a relaxing cd. You get the idea.

This one works no matter what budget you are working with: if you have a small budget, just include a couple small things that you know your wife will love.  She will love the amount of thought you put into creating this gift for her.  And of course, your basket can grow with additional items and more pricey things as your budget allows.

3. A Spa Day

Cost: $$$

If you really want to pamper your wife, treat her to a spa day. This one can be as simple or elaborate as you want. If your budget is a bit limited but you still want your wife to feel pampered, get her a simple massage and/or pedicure certificate. You can even get her a certificate from a local beauty school. Even a massage or pedicure from a student will help her feel pampered, and help her to see how much you love her.

If you really want to go all out, get her gift certificates to the nicest spa in town. Include a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure… all the works. Really want to go above and beyond? Pay for her best friend to enjoy the day with her, or go with her yourself and make it a romantic event to share together.

4. Jewelry


Cost: $$$$

If your budget allows, you can never go wrong with jewelry for your wife. Every woman loves jewelry! We all know that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, so if it is a really special birthday, or you’ve had a really good year financially, get your wife new diamond jewelry. But even if you don’t have the big bucks this year to spend on diamonds, any type of jewelry is a wonderful and special gift idea. This will be something that she will be able to keep forever, even passing these items down to your daughters.

5. A Trip

Airline Ticket & Passport

Cost: $$$$$

This one’s for when you really want to break out the big guns. There are few things better than a trip to give to your wife for a gift. Of course, most budgets will rarely allow for this type of an extravagant gift. But say it’s your 30 year wedding anniversary, or her 50th birthday. For these special, once in a lifetime occasions, it’s well worth it to save up to surprise your wife with a trip. This will be the type of gift she will never forget!

Nicole is a writer in the marriage and relationship industry. She recommends boxt gift baskets.

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