From Stepdad to Stepdaughter

Stepdad Poetry ~ My Amazing Stepdaughter

My Amazing Stepdaughter 


To my dearest stepdaughter

I’ve watched you grow for years

Tried my best to provide growing light

To nourish your soul and to dry your tears.


From a dainty flower you have blossomed

Now a young woman reaching for the dawn

Aside from all I tried to do to help you along

Your strong heart and mind is what fueled you on.

 Stepdad With Stanford Stepdaughter

As you now begin to seek the light of the world

Remember you can still seek my listening ear or advice

Getting to be your stepdad is a rare and precious gift

We are always family, and that is worth any price.


I wish I could keep you young, daddy’s little girl

But I know I must watch you grow and even let you go

I am amazed, so proud of the young woman you are

I believe in you, I’m always here for you, just want you to know.


~ Stiles Expressions

Stepdad With Stepdaughter

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