
Youth Rule the Web and They Should be Careful with It


Regardless of your age, there’s a very good chance technology, in particular Internet use, has entered your life entirely over the past few years.  Remember you’re reading this post online. 🙂 While most of us are engaged in the online world in some way, from social media to email to online shopping and more, not everyone is equally clever at navigating the web space.  In fact, when it comes to being tech-savvy, practically no one does it like those who grew up immersed in web culture — teenagers and young adults.

Members of the Millennial generation (also known as Generation Y, born between early 1980’s – early 2000’s) seem to have a unique capability to navigate the World Wide Web without even thinking, but could this talent one day get them in trouble?  While young people are capable of skillfully navigating the net, they’re not always using sound judgement, nor do they seem to be aware of future repercussions web activity can have.

Studies show more and more universities and employers are turning to the online presence of a prospective student or potential employee to help determine the credibility of that person. On the other hand, young people still seem surprisingly unaware of the damage a picture or post can have.

The following infographic examines this twofold phenomenon: Young people certainly rule the web, but they’re not always as careful with it as they should be.





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