
Inspiration ~ Is it Full?

A Lesson in Priorities

A philosophy professor wanted to demonstrate a lesson to his students.  The professor takes a mayonnaise jar and pours a bucket of golf balls in it.  He then asks the class, “Is it full?”

The entire class replies, “Yes!”

The prof then takes a bucket of gravel and pours it into the jar.  The pebbles filled into the spaces between the golf balls.

He then asks the class, “Is it full?”

This time there are some students holding back, but most reply, “Yes!”

The prof then produces a large can of sand and proceeds to pour it into the jar.  The sand fills up the spaces between the gravel.

For the third time, the teacher asks,”Is it full?

At this point they’re wary of answering,”Yes” although many still go ahead and answer, “Yes!”

Then the professor brings out a pitcher of water and pours it into the jar.  The water saturates the sand.  At this point the teacher asks the class,”What’s the point of this demonstration?”

One bright student raises his hand and responds, “No matter how full your schedule is, you can always squeeze in more things!”

“No,” replies the professor,

The point is that unless you first place the golf balls into the jar, you are never going to get them in. The golf balls are the important things in your life – your family, friends, health and your personal growth – things that if you lost everything else and only they remained, your life will still be full.” 

The professor goes on to say, “The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, home and car.  The sand is everything else – the small stuff.”  If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, as shown by the sand and water…you will never have the time for the important things.”

~ Original Author Unknown

What are the “Golf Balls” in your life?  Spending time with your spouse, children or your parents?  Taking the seminar or class to get the information and perspective you need to succeed?  Making the time to set personal goals and family goals with your spouse?   There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.  Take care of the golf balls first – the things that really matter.  Set your priorities.  The rest is just sand. 








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