Honoring Stepdad

Stepfather Poetry ~ Dear Stepfather



“Dear Stepfather”

Red Headed Stepchild 

It might not seem like it now,

but I do appreciate you. You listen—

dismayed— as I throw my stuff

around my room in anger.

I remind you angrily

“You’re Not My Father,”

but don’t let that discourage you.

These limits you are setting now

will help me grow into the young adult

I need to be to survive in the world. 

When you tell me that this

is for my own good, I resist

because I’m still trying to fit

the skin I’ve been saddled with.

It isn’t you I’m fighting— it’s me.

You just happen to be caught

in the cross fire. I’m sorry

that I’ll probably never apologize

for this, but my anger is my way

of showing I know you care.

Now— Leave Me Alone!


~ Azriel Johnson


Angry Girl

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