Stepmom Poetry

Stepmother Poetry ~ To My Stepmother (Mother)


To My Stepmother


The other day I looked back on my childhood.  I saw some things that really shouldn’t be.
I want to try and set them right now, Mother (for you’ve always acted just like one to me).

I saw the times you sacrificed your comforts; I saw the things that you gave up for me.
I saw the times I never thought to thank you, and I’m thanking you now, very gratefully.

I saw the times I hurt you with my actions; I saw the look of pain upon your face.
I’m sorry for it now, and I’d give anything if I could only go back and erase.

I saw the times you got so fed up with me; I saw the times I pushed you gleefully.
I saw you take a deep breath, and then smile; I saw you never giving up on me.

There’s one thing, though, I didn’t see enough of as I looked back under memory’s bright spell.  I saw your love and care for me quite clearly, but my love for you was never shown too well.

I want to change that now, if you will let me; I want to tell you what was always true.
I want to make sure that you know this, Mother: I always have, and always will love you.


~ Gerardo Campbell


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