Stepfather Poetry ~ To My Stepdaughter

To My Stepdaughter
I’ve seen little kids with ‘I Love My Daddy’ on their shirts
The longing for a child to love always hurts
I didn’t know then that life would be so giving
Now that I have you as a child, I’m not longing, I’m living
You don’t have to be a ‘daddy’s girl’ for me to tell
You’re a sweet and strong person, growing up well
Still, now that you are my stepdaughter
I will strive to be the best stepfather
I will teach you how to drive, survive, achieve, and succeed
I’ll interrogate your dates and ensure you have all you need
I’m honored that you are the child I get to love
My wish has been fulfilled by the heavens above
~ Gerardo Campbell
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love this poem very sweet makes me think of my daughter and my husband and even though he isn’t her real dad he loves and cares about her all the same
Hi Tiffani
I’m happy you were touched by the poem. Thank you for the feedback.
I am a stepfather to a wonderful young lady that I am proud to be in her life. I entered her life at the tender age of 6 she is now 20 and is an amazing young woman. Her mother and I divorced 2 years ago and it has been a daily struggle for me to move on without “my family unit”. “My daughter” as I have always referred to her as, is one of the greatest things in my life. She calls me all of the time to ask my advice, to see how I am doing and just to tell me how her day is going or ask me how mine is going. This gift she gives me freely and consistently is all I need to know my world is blessed and good. Your poem has put into words what I feel in my heart every single day. I will share it with her today not to elicit a “Ah Thanks Brian” from her to me but to genuinely express my feelings, thoughts and hopes for her now and forever. It has been a difficult and trying journey at times but well worth it. I have not and will never regret it this time in my life.
So I just want to say “Thank You” from a divorced stepfather who is still in “his daughters” life today by the grace of God.
Wow Brian! What you shared personifies, “love is thicker than blood.” The relationship with your daughter is based on your ties to her and not her mother so your relationship is genuine and not taken for granted. You are both truly blessed and I’m touched this poem reflects what is coming from your heart. Thank you for sharing.
Dude, I know this is an old post, and I don’t even know if you will get to read this reply, but you’re a man after my own heart. I’ve recently been sucker punched by the realisation of how precious and special my stepdaughter is. It used to rankle that her Dad shirked his child support and bought a BMW motorcycle instead. Now I think about it? I’d buy him another, coz he ‘gave’ me something infinitely more precious. I hooked up with her Mum, and lightning struck twice. Thanks be to God.
Hi Geoff
Wow, what a realization! You’ve been blessed all these years and now you realize it. Great testimony! Thanks for sharing.