Stepdad Father's Day

Stepdad Poetry ~ On Step Father’s Day










Crumpled papers stacked fat and tall
Logs and kindling set sound and neat
The best fire-maker of all
Giving our home color and heat.

Ready at the wheel whenever needed
Like a chauffeur ready to go
And whenever the garden needs to be weeded
There you are with rake and hoe.

Straining behind tall paper hills
Numbers you add and checks you sign
Paying off the family bills
To insure the family is doing fine.

Showing interest in our personal aims
Being a companion to your spouse
Champion of all the parlor games
And bearer of laughter to this house.

What can I get for one such as you?
The regular never-to-wear Father’s Day tie?
A moosehead? An ashtray? (To name a few.)
So much I want for you but can’t buy.


Fun Gifts for Dads


It doesn’t take very much sense
To know that so much to you I owe.
My appreciation is immense
But has very few ways to show.

So here’s to a family man, tried and true,
The best that anyone has ever had
There’s a special day just for you
Happy Step-Father’s Day, step-dad!

Author ~ Polydemic
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