1000 Questions for Couples

An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions. Get the book 1000 Questions for Couples now.
Many couples have used these questions to determine if a lifetime of love was in their destiny. For some, their partner’s answers made it clear they weren’t meant to spend a lifetime together.
Other couples who were together for many years have found these questions have brought them much closer together.
Below are three sample questions. Email them to your lady or print them out and discuss them over dinner, in bed or over the phone.
1. What rituals could be added to our relationship on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis that would help us to remain close?
2. Do you need to hear “I love you” or similar words on a regular basis from your partner?
3. What does my family do that annoys you?
Get the other 997 questions by clicking 1000 Questions for Couples.