
Hiring Now for Positions Worldwide

Support for Stepfathers is pleased to announce we are hiring for positions worldwide.  Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be strong, well-organized, and able to function well under extreme stress.
  • Financial management skills and communication skills are a must.
  • Must be knowledgeable about human development and the psychology of family life.  Understanding nutrition, health, fitness is a definite plus.
  • Good cooking and foodservice management skills will make this job easier.
  • Must be a self-starter and able to work in an unpredictable setting without little or no support or validation. Patience will be required of all applicants.
  • Nurturing and nursing skills are also a plus.
  • Not take things personally.
  • The assignment maybe 18 years or longer. In fact, it usually lasts for life.
  • The job requires a minimum of 80 hours per week. If long hours are necessary, they will be expected.
  • A 24-hour call schedule is also part of this job.
  • There are no guaranteed sick days or paid vacation days. Retirement benefits, if any, are not known at this time.

There is no salary or commission available with this job. In fact, if child support is not forthcoming, you will be expected to pay double time for the privilege of keeping this job.

The job is hard; the rewards are too numerous to list!

Applicants should mail their resume to with the Subject: Stepparent Application 😀

Happy April Fools Day

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