Stepfather Poetry ~ Ode to a Stepfather

A poem dedicated to Oliver Robert Jones a stepfather whose passed away.
Ode to a Stepfather
Of love? I hope you quenched your thirst.
Like fire you blazed into my life.
I fought you tooth and nail at first.
Voraciously you met my strife.
Explosive bouts–great hopes that burst–
Right up until I left, were rife.
Removed from your damned discipline,
Off to a better world I rushed.
Beyond your reach, I lived in sin,
Extracting life–and out it gushed.
Rage wrapped in pride screamed from within.
Today, that storm lies still and hushed.
Just like you said, someday I’d learn.
On down the road I went to test.
Now, looking back, I sometimes yearn.
Evolving time used up the rest.
So now you’ve gone and won’t return.
So long, old man. You were the best.
~ Christopher Phillips
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