
I Missed It, Did You? – National Stepfamily Day

Did you know?

  • National Step Family Day was celebrated on September 16?  
  • One in three American citizens live in a stepfamily and 30% of children are currently growing up in a stepfamily?
  • More than 50% Americans will live in a stepfamily at some point in their lives?
  • The United Kingdom and Canada also recognize this day?
  • On the same date is celebrated National Guacamole and National Play-Doh Day? 🙂


Christy Brogeld, Founder National Stepfamily Day


September 16, National Step Family Day,  is designated as the day to honor all the “Step Heroes” out there who choose every day to be parents to ALL the children in their lives.  In 1997, Christy Brogeld, who herself was a remarried mother and member of a blended family, decided it was time to begin a campaign to bring stepfamily support and awareness to the nation’s attention.  That year she got 24 states to officially make the following proclamation:

“Whereas, National Stepfamily Day is enhanced by our strong commitment to support the stepfamilies of our nation in their mission to raise their children, create strong family structures to support the individual members of the family, instill in them a sense of responsibility to all extended family members.

Whereas, Approximately half of all Americans are currently involved in some form of stepfamily relationship and it is the vision of the national Stepfamily Day Foundation that all stepfamilies in the United States be accepted, supported and successful.

Whereas, Our nation has been blessed by thousands upon thousands of loving stepparents and stepchildren who are daily reminders of the joy, trials, and triumphs of the stepfamily experience and of the boundless love contained in the bond between all types of parents and children.

Whereas, National Stepfamily Day is a day to celebrate the many invaluable contributions stepfamilies have made to enriching the lives and life experience of the children and parents of America and to strengthening the fabric of American families and society.”

In 1998, Mrs. Brogeld asked President Clinton to revise the language on the Presidential Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Proclamations to include all parents, biological, adopted, foster and step.  He honored her request as did President’s Bush and Obama after him.  Today, National Stepfamily Day is celebrated in all 50 states, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The most common “official” way to celebrate National Stepfamily Day is through organized picnics in over 800 cities across the United States.   At the picnics, there are often activities planned for the different age groups of children, as well as activities allowing families to bond in a fun way as a unit.  The following video was produced by the White House commemorating the day.  Good music with great lyrics penned by Christy herself…


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