Mother's Day

Stepdad’s Mother’s Day Ideas

Gentlemen, next Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day.  Take some time while it’s still available to carefully choose a Mother’s Day gift for the special mom(s) in your life and think of ideas for how to celebrate with her on the day itself.  Most mom’s will tell you what she wants to do most is to spend quality time with you and the people she loves.  Here’s some ideas for making the most of that time ensuring Mom’s day is fabulous. 
  • Dine with Mom.  Sharing a meal with mom is a great way to spend time with her and get the chance to catch up.  If it’s your own mother you’re celebrating, cooking for her or taking her out to eat shows how grateful you are for all the PB&Js she put together for you over the years.  If you’re celebrating the mother of your children, giving her a day off from the kitchen can be just what she needs.  It’s up to you whether you prepare the meal yourself.  Taking mom out for brunch or bringing her breakfast in bed are popular ways to celebrate the day but any meal arrangement you choose is sure to be appreciated.
  • Kid’s Crafts.  If you’re celebrating a mother who has little ones, you know how much anything the kids make means to her.  Sit them down for a craft project that will be fun for the kids and create a delight for mom or grandma.  Ask the kids to draw pictures and write messages of thanks on construction paper to create homemade greeting cards.  Or work with the little ones to put together a book of coupons that Mom can redeem for things like hugs and extra chores.  In fact, coupon books can be great gift ideas even when there aren’t any little ones involved!
  • Pampering Mom.  Sometimes the best treat for a busy mom is just a day to relax.  Whether you bring her out for a luxurious high tea or corral the kids while she soaks in a bubble bath, you can give her the gift of some time to unwind.  Plan a family day trip to the park or beach where all Mom has to do is lie back on a blanket and enjoy the outdoors.  If there’s something she’s wanted to do for a while, like add to her scrapbook, work in her garden, or catch up on her reading, this can be the perfect day for you to give her the time she needs to do it.
  • Family Movie.  Take Mom out with the family and enjoy a good, wholesome family movie.  Some family films out right now are Hop, Rio and Hoodwinked Too.  Mom will enjoy spending time with the family while taking in a good film.
  • Interview your Mom and/or Grandma.  Ask questions about her birth, childhood and what she did when she was a teenager.  Find out her favorite subjects in school, how she met your father or grandfather.  Inquire about her favorite job. What were circumstances and events like when you were born? 
  • Get Together with a few other Families and Play the Mother/Child Game.  Divide into four mother/child teams. Ask the mothers to leave the room while the children sit in chairs.  Ask the same four or five questions to each child about their mothers.  Bring in the mothers and ask them the same questions.  Will the mother and child have the same answers?  Switch places and see how well the mother’s know the children.  Award a box of candy  to the winning mother/child team.  Question Ideas: Favorite color, movie, candy bar, color of toothbrush, memorable moment with you, best friend, hobby, talent, food, animal, cartoon, pizza topping, ice cream topping, restaurant. Most embarrassing moment. Favorite holiday.
  • 30-Day Gym Gift Certificate.  If presented diplomatically she will appreciate a 30-day trial membership at a Curves or 24-Hour Fitness where she can tone up and improve her overall health and wellness.  Consider throwing in some personal trainer appointments as along as he isn’t too handsome. 🙂

Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show the mothers in our lives just how much we appreciate them.   However you decide to celebrate, spending focused quality time with your special mom is sure to make her day. 🙂


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  1. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers in the World! Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday here in the United States and I know that eventhough it is celebrated on a different date depending on where you are located, I still want to greet all our mothers!

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