
Your Teen’s First Car Accident

Your Teen’s First Car Accident – Tips For Keeping Your Cool

Your teen is a newly-minted legal driver. Now you’re dealing with a new kind of parental anxiety, which is okay since many parents are likely feeling what you’re feeling.

No parent wants to think about their teen getting into a car accident, but it can happen. You need to be prepared and know how to stay calm if your teen gets into an accident.

Don’t Reprimand

The first thing you want to avoid is getting into an arguement with your teen. Don’t scold your teen if they’re responsible for the accident.

Your kid doesn’t need to hear you lecture and rant about their “big mistake” – your teen is well aware of his accident.

Your kid is nervous, scared and ashamed. Try to console your teen without burdening them with blame.

Assure your teen you understand accidents happen. Strongly communicate to your teen your trust in their ability to get back behind the wheel and drive again.

How you react in this situation will strongly influence the confidence your child will have to get back in the driver’s seat.

That’s why it’s very important to keep your cool and stay calm. It won’t be long for them to realize driving isn’t scary and that they can start again.

Partner Up

Sometimes it’s hard to contain certain emotions. Everyone knows this, so it’s important to release them in a safe and healthy way.

Suggest talking to your partner or an adult accountability partner you trust about how you feel.  Let it all hang out.

Share all your feelings and frustrations regarding your teen’s accident. Hopefully, this makes it easier for you not to bring up your emotions in front of your kid because you’ve already had an opportunity to release them.

Also, don’t forget to contact a lawyer from a place like Alexander Law Group to handle the insurance and communication with the other party. As part of teen’s learning, involve them as much as possible in the process.

Reassure Yourselves

One reason it’s hard to calm down after an accident is because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. This is affecting you and your young adult, so be sure to address this quickly by talking to an attorney.

He or she should specialize in these types of accidents, which should make it easy for this lawyer to tell you what is going to happen next. Having a clear path forward makes things less tense, allowing you to relax a little more.

Professional Help

Car accidents can be quite traumatic for you and your teenager. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t feel at ease right after the accident.

Some people even develop phobias, so make sure you make an appointment with a therapist if you feel your teen is headed in that direction. Talking about the accident with a professional can help calm both of you down by giving you the tools needed to overcome the trauma.

These are just some of the things you can do to keep your peace of mind. A parent’s job isn’t easy.

While you might want to scream, during this trying time your teen needs you to be strong, self-control and supportive.

About the author

About the author

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise as well as researching new topics to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.

It’s a fact teen drivers have the greatest risk of unforeseen road mishaps, regardless of whether the car is new or old, cheap or expensive. It might be because of their lack of driving experience. 

It also may be due to the carelessness, over confidence and excitement associated with their young age. These factors all combine to contributing to a higher probability of teen accidents.

Here’s a list of the five best-used cars you can get your teen, without having to compromise much on their safety.

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