
How To Survive A Sleepover

Sleepover Memories

Sleepover – the word brings back wonderful memories of my son inviting a few of his classmates to spend the night at our home. For dinner, pizza was usually on the menu although I remember one time where I built a bonfire and the boys roasted their own hotdogs.

Afterwards, it was perhaps unwisely followed by a decadent dessert which usually kept the boys bouncing off the walls into the early morning hours. Occassionally, I needed to intercede in order to bring order to the chaos. 

The boys were awakened to the smell of waffles or pancakes, warm maple syrup, bacon and sausage.

Changed World?

Tragically, the world seems to have dramatically changed since the days of my son’s sleepovers or maybe it always that way and I was just oblivious. Regardless, with disturbing regularity you hear or read about pedophiles and child molesters in the news.

As a parent, I’m grateful Nathaniel never had any negative experiences.  

Doctor James Dobson, formerly of Focus of the Family, believes children shouldn’t participate in sleepovers. Dr. Dobson states the world has changed and become too dangerous to allow your child out of your supervision for so long.

I’m not telling you shouldn’t allow your child to participate in sleepovers but as parents we absolutely need to do our due diligence to make sure our children are safe when they’re spending the night at a friend’s.

Sleepovers are an exciting time for the kids and can involve a Iot of work from the parents. With a bit of careful planning and some ground rules, a sleepover doesn’t need to be as taxing as it may often appear.

Survive a Sleepover

Follow the guide below and make sure you’ll be a Sleepover Party Survivor, this time and every time.

How to Survive a Sleepover Infographic
How to Survive a Sleepover Infographic by Mattress Online.

Is Your Child Ready for a Sleepover?

  • Is it Your Child’s Idea?
    • What’s your child’s level of interest for a sleepover? Was the idea pushed on them by the friend? Not good. Is your child genuinely excited about the sleepover? Great!
  • How do they do Sleeping in Different Environments?
    • Has your child ever spent the night anywhere else? For example on vacation, at their grandparent’s. If they’ve transitioned well to sleeping at other places before, then they’re most likely to do just fine at a friend’s house.
  • How Old is your Child?
    • There’s no definite answer, so you’ll need to use your best judgement. Most parents allowed sleepovers starting in the fourth grade (ages 9-10), but some as early as 4 years old with close friends.
  • How Does your Child and the Friend Behave Together?
    • Are they silly all the time? Do they egg each other on? Play quietly? Do they share? Ask yourself these questions before allowing your child to sleepover. While they’re used to spending limited time with each another, sleepovers mean they’re about to spend 15+ hours with their friend.
  • How Well do you Know the Parents?
    • This is a big one! First and most importantly, you need to feel comfortable with the friend’s parents. Do you trust them?
  • Are you Comfortable with the Siblings?
    • Sometimes older siblings can be bad influences. Make sure you’re aware of who those siblings are and if they will be in the house during the sleepover, especially if they’re of the opposite sex.

Copyright: wernerimages / 123RF Stock Photo

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