
Five Unique Family Bonding Activities

Most parents want to spend more time with their families and connect. For both children and adults, it’s important to find ways of having fun and enjoying your time together.

When you want to try new ways of connecting and creating memories as a family, here are a few unique activities the entire family will enjoy.

Visiting Museums

According to, visiting museums can offer an exciting educational experience for families. Consider exploring different types of museums where you can learn about art, natural history or marine life.

Allow your kids to explore galleries where paintings and sculptures are on display at art museums or view dinosaur skeletons at natural history museums. After your visits you can take time to discuss the various displays while spending more time together in a relaxed setting.


According to, families can occupy their children’s attention by taking hikes instead of letting them run wild around the house. Hiking will allow children to get the chance to explore the great outdoors and unplug from technology.

You can bring the family dog along and even have a picnic while spending time outside, which will allow you to enjoy good conversation and unwind from your busy schedules. It will be easier to connect and avoid distractions on a trail where you can take in the views.

Building Cars

Those who enjoy taking apart the pieces of an engine and learning how to put them back together again will enjoy rebuilding old cars. You can bond with your kids by spending time working on antique vehicles or discovering facts about certain models.

This activity can include attending car shows or collecting car models you can be display in your home. If you want to restore a vehicle with your children, you can get the assistance of a professional such as those at the auto body shop in Summit County, to complete parts of the project that may be difficult to do on your own.

Once you finish the project, your family can enjoy taking joy rides or road trips together.


Families can have fun together by learning how to use professional cameras and take shots in a variety of locations. Make it a point to give small children a Polaroid or disposable camera where they can practice taking pictures of their favorite toys or items in the home.

You can join in on the fun and take the kids on photo shoots at the local park or the beach. Getting the film developed or reviewing the shots on a digital camera and putting the pictures in an album will be exciting where you’ll have fun and capturing your time together on film.


Try to spend more time in the kitchen together as a family where you can learn new recipes and children can have increased confidence as they help make dishes. Consider choosing recipes you can make together or allow older kids to serve the family dinner and rotate each week.

You can teach your children skills, techniques, and the right ingredients to use where they can learn a new skill that can be used later in life.

It can be easy to neglect to bond with your family due to distractions and busy schedules each week. By setting aside the time together and trying new unique activities, you’ll create invaluable memories that will strengthen your relationships with one another.

You’ll not only get more time as a family unit, but can each enjoy a specific activity that enhances your lifestyle.

About the author

About the author

Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from West Jordan, Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah, enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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