
Teaching Children To Go Green

Making children aware of the importance of eco-friendly behavior, thriftiness and general concern for the environment doesn’t have to be a difficult parental task.

If you already have the same values this would come naturally to you and your parental guidance.

Be true to yourself when you face your child since your own green attitude will definitely be a good starting point for your kids to readily accept this way of life.


Reusing For Some Healthy Creativity

Reusing some things you definitely won’t need anymore is always fun, especially if you turn it into an interesting do it yourself project for your kids.

Making toys or jewelry is a great way to use some old, broken or unnecessary bits and bobs that lie around the house.

Also, children can decorate their clothes and other stuff. Even cardboard and food packaging can turn out to be an essential piece for sparking up the child’s creativity.

Make The Recycling Fun


If you want your kids to follow the recycling rules, make this task interesting and fun for them. Of course, you would have to incorporate the three bin system into your home.

Red, green and yellow are usually used for distinguishing the bins making them more understandable for a child.

To encourage recycling, have your child draw different recycling signs and even the type of rubbish that goes into each bin.

You can also hold quizzes on what goes in each colored bin and praise the kids when they give the right answer.

Back to School Project

You don’t have to make this about school if there’s something more interesting you can use but coincidentally, now is the perfect time to use this theme and get your kids all the necessities and essentials for the new school year.

Thriftiness and reusing is a big part of green thinking so check some second-hand stores and online shops to stock up on kids shirts, some good quality pants and jackets, fine shoes and other pieces.

Allowing your child to choose the garments and explaining the benefits of second-hand shopping will prove to be both educational and fun for the kids.

This way, they will get a concrete example of how to properly save money, not to promote wasteful production and still get something great in return.

Try Organic Gardening

All children love playing outdoors. Using dirt and plants is a perfect option to get them interested in organic gardening.

While you explain the kids some basic methods and techniques when it comes to taking care of the plants, you can help them start their own little garden.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a house or a flat because even a regular plant pot can be a great start for child’s own little plant world. Inspire the children to be responsible for their garden, with your own work.

When they’re well provided, plants will always return the favor with their healthy growth and bloom, which will also significantly encourage the child to take gardening and organic care more seriously.

Promote Physical Activity

Instead of going everywhere by car, show the kids how fun it is to walk or ride a bike. This is a perfect opportunity to talk about some environmental issues and the pollution of our planet.

You can also use this time to explain many different things and chat about various topics that might interest your child.

The triggers for the meaningful talks are usually the sights and scenery kids would otherwise miss if they were to travel by car all the time.

Apart from this, your kids will also benefit a lot from physical activity and fresh air.

While children will always benefit from a good talk, they will definitely learn more from your actions, who your children see as a role model when it comes to living an organic, eco-friendly life.

So, even though talking about these values is very important, make sure you show your kids how to go green by being a perfect example of your teachings.

About the author

About the author

Emma is a teacher, constantly improving her skills both as a teacher and as a parent. She is passionate about writing and learning new things that can help you to lead a quality life. You can follow her on Twitter @EmmahLawson

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