
Summer – An Opportunity For Fun And Learning!

School ends for the summer, but should learning end as well?  Research shows many students forget important school skills over the summer holidays/vacation.

Did You Know?

  • All children experience learning losses when they don’t participate in learning activities during the summer. Research going back 100 years shows students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer vacation (White, 1906; Heyns, 1978; Entwisle & Alexander 1992; Cooper, 1996; Downey et al, 2004).

  • Most students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical skills over the summer. Low-income students also lose more than two months in reading achievement. This despite the fact their middle-class classmates make slight gains (Cooper, 1996).

  • More than half of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities. As a result, low-income youth are less likely to graduate from high school or enter college (Alexander et al, 2007).

  • Children lose more than academic knowledge over the summer. Most children – particularly children at high risk of obesity – gain weight more rapidly when they are out of school during summer break (Von Hippel et al, 2007).

  • Parents consistently say summer is the most difficult time to make sure their children have productive things to do (Duffett et al, 2004).

It’s a pretty common problem. Children who have enjoyed what can be over six weeks of holidays in the UK and 10 to 11 weeks of vacation in the US can be slow to get back into the rhythm of school life in the late summer. Let’s look at reasons why you should keep your child’s brain in learning mode over summer vacation. Summer learning:

1. Keeps Their Mind Stimulated and the Brain Alert.

Studies have shown that without stimulation just one summer can result in the loss of up to a third of the material learned in the previous academic year.

It makes sense to keep your child’s brain active throughout the summer.

2. Provides Plenty of Time for Your Child to Focus on the Subject Basics.

During the school year, it can be difficult for your child to review the basics while keeping up the on-going curriculum. The summer, however, presents an ideal opportunity to truly come to grips with the very essence of a subject. This can pay endless dividends for advancing future understanding and tackling of new concepts.

3. Focuses In on the Enjoyment of Learning

Summer presents plenty of fun and engaging learning opportunities. It can be free from time and topic pressures and can take a fresh approach through fun games. This can then boost your child’s engagement with learning in general and may help them learn new methods of learning they can use in the upcoming academic year.

4. Can Boost your Child’s Self Confidence

Self-confidence is possibly one of the most influential factors of learning. The summer may be the perfect time for exploring a subject your child truly enjoys where they can accomplish goal after goal while boosting their sense of self accomplishment and pride.

More On Summer Learning

Summer learning can be unlike learning at any other time during the academic year. It can focus upon being engaging, rather than meeting stringent targets; it can incorporate a wider variety of activities, such as field trips and games; and it can truly advance your child’s academic standing.

You can get started on educational games today with websites such as First Past the Post, Educational Quizzes and

About the author

About the author

11 Plus Tutors in Essex are busy all year round finely honing their resources and techniques to provide first class and truly tailored tutoring to their students. The summer can serve as a real spring board for impressive 11 plus exam results, so speak with the team today about how they may be able to help your child over the summer holidays.

In need of some tips to get your child excited about learning? Learn five ways to get your kid excited about learning.

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