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Essentials – What Your Kid May Need And You May Need To Pay For

As children get older their expenses seem to get larger. There are many expensive things children might need that as a parent you should pay for.

Paying for these types of essentials can ensure your child’s current and future well-being and success. Paying for these essentials today will avoid any negative consequences for your child later down the road.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a necessity for your child you should pay for. Essentials - health insuranceSometimes, the most basic plan won’t be enough either. Even with today’s economy and the ever increasing cost of health insurance, your child’s health depends on it.

Without health insurance, even a small ailment, such as a sickness requiring your child to visit the doctor can break the bank. A bigger issue such as an accident requiring your child to visit the emergency room can seem catastrophic without health insurance. The monthly bill for health insurance is well worth the money spent.


Investing in your child’s education is in turn investing in your child’s future. Education can be quite a hefty burden on finances, but the burden is well worth it when your child is able to successfully further their education.

Children who strive to further their education to better their future often go on to be very successful in the careers they choose and succeed in sculpting a life they wish to lead and live.


Essentials - bracesGetting braces for your child to have a straight, pretty smile is not the only reason you should consider investing in braces. Not getting braces can actually have negative health effects on your child, say the experts at Mar Orthodontics.

Braces help prevent tooth decay and other issues later on in life resulting from crooked teeth. Braces can also help children breathe better which results in better sleeping and overall health. When the roof of the mouth is not correctly aligned, breathing can become difficult.

A Car

Investing in a car for your child can help your child get a jump start in life when it comes to things such as working and Essentials - Happy Girl With Keys getting to and from school. Sometimes a job opportunity will arise that is not within walking or bike riding distance and a car will be needed. Walking or riding a bike might not always be an option to get to school either.

A car will give your child the freedom of providing their own transportation and learning the responsibility of arriving at places on time. The car can be something all the kids share, or even one that can be borrowed from the parents.

A Cell Phone

A cell phone can seem to be a nuisance when your child is constantly on it Essentials - family dinner daughter on cell phone texting and talking, but the overall investment can be a lifesaver for your child.

Buying your child a cell phone is a safety precaution so if anything happens and they need help when they are driving or out and about, they have a way to reach someone.  

Glasses Or Contacts

Essentials - child wearing glassesProper vision is important in everyday life for your child, such as doing well in school to operating a motorized vehicle. Children who suffer from bad vision can get headaches that lead to not being able to properly focus in class. Operating a motorized vehicle with bad vision can be dangerous for both your child and other individuals on the road.

Although things such as these can get expensive, they are well worth the investment when you have the opportunity. Whether it be investing in health insurance when you have the chance, or getting your child a cell phone for emergencies, these are investments that need to be paid for before the extras.

About the author

About the author

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She often writes about home, family, finance and business. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.

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