
Troubled Teen? Four Things To Remember

Adolescence can be a challenging time for your teen as they enter what is for some a confusing period of life full of temptations. Teens may become rebellious as they experience a mix of emotions completely foreign to them sometimes resulting in disastrous consequences.

Here are four things you can do when your troubled teen pushes it to the limit.

No Hope with Dope

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. You find a joint hidden in your teen’s room. You might experience the entire spectrum of emotions from anger to shame.

The most important thing to remember, however, is not to panic or become judgmental.

As soon as your teen is available both you and your spouse meet with them . Ask your teen where the joint came from and why they have resorted to using drugs. Educate your teen about the legal and physical consequences of habitual drug use.

Troubled teen drug use

Make Peace

You answer the phone and recognize the familiar sound of your teen’s principal who informed you your teen was suspended for bullying. In this case, remember to open the lines of communication.

Usually this type of behavior stems from problems at home. Explain to your teen the emotional and physical pain that could follow the bullied student into adulthood.

Troubled teen bullying classmates

Drinking and Driving don’t Mix

It is never a good feeling to answer the door at two o’clock in the morning to discover your son in a drunken haze accompanied by two police officers on your doorstep. Talking to your child about most the dangers of drinking and driving should hopefully “scare” your teen straight.

Killing themselves or others is a very real consequence if they choose to drink and drive. Being a new driver with little experience driving doesn’t help when it comes to the safety and ability to make good decisions when out driving on the road.

If just the out right danger doesn’t keep your teen from drinking and driving, maybe the financial side of things will. There are many experts who have said a DUI can end up costing you $10,000 or more!

Between fines, legal costs, possible job loss, auto accident costs, raises in insurance premiums etc… Money seems to get the attention of most teens in one way or another, so talking to them about the very real financial burdens that could come as a result of drinking and driving is a good idea.

If none of these warnings keep your teen from driving while under the influence, getting a qualified attorney that handles under aged drinking and driving is a good idea.  Remember someone like Mackay & Company an impaired driving defense lawyer that deals with underage drinking and teen crimes can help you to navigate through the legal process.

Teen crimes are handled differently because generally they are not charged as adults. Having someone who knows what they’re doing in this area is wise.

Troubled teen drinking

Condoms are not Always Safe Sex

Finding a condom on the dresser when you are dusting your son’s room is a little unsettling. Remember to approach the situation in a nonjudgmental manner without accusing or condemning.

Ask him to explain in his own words why he has the condom and if he is having sex. It might be a good idea to explain why it’s a bad idea to have sex so young and that even condoms are not 100% effective.

Troubled teen carrying condom

There is no textbook rule for handling an out of control teenager. Hopefully, these four tips will help you and your teenager reconcile through an open and honest relationship.

Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge that she loves to share in her writings.


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