
Online Dating Etiquette 101

Many are turning to the internet to connect with others to expand their dating options. Whether it’s a short or longer-term arrangement, there are a few simple dating etiquette rules to help you navigate online dating.

Online dating etiquette

Respect Personal Boundaries

When you meet someone through friends, implicitly they were vouched for. Getting to know a stranger can be intimidating to some. Don’t be alarmed if the person you’re communicating with is reluctant to share personal details, such as phone number or address.

Understand a potential date wants to know where you live to get a sense of where to meet or even picking you up in a car. Also be aware not everyone is as they seem on the internet. Use caution when sharing personal details that might compromise your safety.

Online dating etiquette - the first dateThe First Date

Many opt to make the first date low key as a way to manage expectations. Grabbing a coffee to test the waters is a common way to start to the first date. The coffee may lead to another activity like dinner or a movie. Be courteous and choose a spot that’s easy to access for both of you.

If you’re optimistic and enjoy meeting new people you may choose to start off with a splash by investing more into plans. Your version of a first date might be an exciting excursion. Allow the conversation leading up the initial meet-up to naturally determine your first date’s activity.

Put Yourself in a Positive, Realistic Light

A first impression is formed within seconds of meeting someone. That is true of digital communication or of your profile on a dating website as well. Don’t be afraid to put your strong suits on the page. Misrepresenting yourself may help you land a meeting, but nothing past a first date will materialize.

If you’re having problems with seeing your best traits, ask a friend to name three things they like about you. Do not use pictures of someone who is not you or heavily altered using computer programs like Photoshop.

Check your Grammar

Although you’re not writing formal or business communication, potential datesOnline dating etiquette - check-spelling-grammar-and-style will notice spelling and punctuation errors. Take a second to re-read your profile or email before submitting it.

Good manners will tip things in your favor, especially for people who respond positively to the P’s and Q’s of polite company. On the same note, unless you’re in a younger demographic, avoid using too much slang. The reader of your communications may not understand, and may even form a negative impression of you.

Keep Communication Brief

If there are changes in plans, your date will appreciate it when you notify them ahead of time. Being unable to make a date is an opportunity to reschedule. There is such a thing as too many updates. Sending a quick succession of emails may signal you’ve formed an attachment that doesn’t reflect what’s there.

Emails that are brief will let the other person know you respect your own time and theirs. There are a lot of such things to be kept in mind and sometimes you will need the help of a professional dating service.

Melissa Young was born in Ontario in 1986, sixth of seven children. Born and brought up in Toronto, she was graduated from the University of Western Ontario. Her father was a local social worker and he has been serving people through social work.

Like her father, Melissa is also interested in doing social work and she has spent almost two years doing MSW in Counseling. For more information, catch her on twitter.

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