
Five Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Wedding Rings

Wedding ring Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not doing your research before buying a wedding ring. There are literally over a million types of weddings rings out there so unless you know exactly what is the best in terms of look, quality and price it’s pointless visiting your nearest jeweler to buy one or select a ring online.

Let’s take a look at five other common mistakes many men make.

The Switch

There are some jewelers that take advantage of people who have not done their research to change an otherwise expensive diamond for a cheaper one.

It’s important to keep in mind the quality of an expensive diamond when compared to a cheaper counterpart is impossible to spot by most people.

Even a trained eye will require a magnifying glass. So, jewelry dealers will rip people off by offering a small price for something that is otherwise expensive and switches an expensive diamond with a cheaper one. This scam will end up costing you at least four thousand dollars more, and most couples never find out.

Buying a Colored Diamond to Suit your Dress

Yes, you’ll obviously want your wedding rings at the very least so suit the style, cut, and color of your dress. But this may not always be a good idea. Colored diamond rings are often expensive. Much more expensive than their clear counterparts. Wedding ring - colored diamonds

However, since many wedding dresses are white, some jewelers may often recommend you buy a cloudy diamond ring not telling you the stone is cheaper than a clear one. The result is you end up with an inferior stone at a premium price.

Blinded by the Light

There are some jewelry stores that intentionally have dazzling lights.

The bright lights make even imperfectly cut diamonds glitter and since people are always looking for the biggest stone and not the most perfect one they get conned.

Even though bright white lights in stores are very common, you should be aware of lights have a blue tint. Lights with a blue tint are deceptive because they will make a yellow (low quality) diamond look clear white because the blue will cancel out the yellow. Plus the diamond wWedding ring - bright lightill appear to be much brighter than it is.

To avoid getting conned, it is best to inspect a diamond under a number of lighting conditions. Go to a dimly lit part of the store and turn on a flash light or the light on your cell phone. Also, if it’s day time look at the diamond in sunlight. A trustworthy and honest jeweler will have no problem with you examining the diamond under different types of lighting.

The Blue-White Diamond Ploy

Many unsuspecting people are often bluffed into thinking blue-white diamonds are rare and unique which is why they are expensive. If you are shopping for wedding rings and the jeweler tells you this, it’s best to walk out because they’re trying to con you.

Diamonds with a blue florescence are often of lower quality and are sold at a very low price compared to clear white diamonds.

Avoid these diamonds unless you are buying one with a ‘M’ or an ‘L’ color rating.

The High Clarity Mistake

Now you may have done a bit of research to know that clear diamond wedding rings are good but what if it has more clarity than is needed. Think about the fact diamonds with a VS1 or a VVS clarity rating are expensive, but this is not instantly apparent to the naked eye.

When buying a diamond ring you’d best never confuse clarity with size.

Too much clarity means that you’ll be spending way more money than you should and since the difference between the best and second-best is unnoticeable you might as well save $2000 off your purchase.

The Carat Mistake

The overall karat weight of the wedding rings you buy can be confusing. The karat weight is mostly the entire weight of all the stones on the ring which complicates matters if you’re not buying a solitaire. Larger diamonds are more expensive compared to smaller ones.

Wedding ring - diamond carat


So for instance, three small diamonds that amount to one big one on a single ring should cost less as compared to one large rock on the ring. Never think the two are the same and refuse to take the seller’s word on anything other than this fact. 

Mark is one of the most reputed wedding planners in Sydney. He has been planning weddings for couples for a very long time and has also arranged celebrity events. When he is not buying wedding rings and setting up band appointments, he can be found fishing with his son. 

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