
Raising Clean Teens: Six Ways to Keep Your Teen Substance Free

substance-abuse-teensDrug and alcohol abuse by teenagers is a very real and dangerous problem. The known negative effects substance abuse has on adolescents are quite serious, including physiological and neurological damage. Not only is the human brain and body still forming during adolescence, the teen is only beginning the process of maturing into an emotionally and mentally sound adult. When substance abuse is factored into this process, a teen’s future is at risk. To prevent this, here are six methods of keeping your teen clean and away from substance abuse:

Set the Standard


Teens need consistency, clear boundaries, and to know what is expected of them. This requires them to be accountable for their actions. Setting the standard means:

  • talking about how to respond to peer pressure,
  • what is expected of them in terms of responsibility, and
  • discussing the dangers associated with substance abuse.

Be Involved

Be active and present in your teen’s life. Not only will it show them that you care, you’ll nourish a relationship of trust and you’ll know what’s going on in their world.

Set the Table

Although it may sound cliche, studies have shown regular family dinners can have a beneficial influence on the teen-parent relationship. It’s not the food teens-families-dinnerbut the conversations that take place at the dinner table. These natural moments happen to be a great way to mold your teens attitude not only towards substances, but towards life in general.

Limit Access

Most teens that gain access to harmful substances often do so from their own home or from someone they know very well. Acknowledge all addictive substances can be a real danger by keeping these things inaccessible and off-limits to your teens.

Encourage Application

Encourage teens to participate in after-school curricular activities such as sports, glee club or an after-school job. Keeping them busy in wholesome activities will ensure they don’t have the time to get into trouble.

Seek Treatment

Even after putting all your effort into steering your teen away from substance abuse, there’s still no guarantee your teen will stay substance-free. Treatment is always necessary when trying to overcome any addiction. This is a very delicate and difficult time for an adult, not to mention a teenager. There are many excellent addiction treatment centers where teens can seek treatment from experienced professionals.

Most people don’t know that nine out of ten people with addictions started using substances before they were 18. These six approaches will help you both raise clean teens and develop lasting relationships with them built on mutual trust and love.

Emma Sturgis is a writer living in Boston. When not writing, she enjoys reading, rock climbing, and Old Westerns.

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