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Parties To Die For – Four Kid Birthday Party Themes

Kid’s birthday parties are a blast to host. For parents, it’s an occasion when you can flaunt your creativity and cleverness. It doesn’t matter your age, you can never outgrow arts and crafts or get too old to tap into your artistic self. It’s a matter of pride and honor to host the best birthday party you can for your children. You want your kids and their friends to experience an unforgettable birthday.

Well then, themed parties are the way to go! It’s that special something that can catapult your kid’s birthday party into the next dimension.

If you want it to be memorable, everyone should come to the party dressed as someone else.

Here are a few ideas for birthday party themes.


If you’re hosting a kid’s birthday party, you need to have a fairytale element in it. Something magical always works! Princes, princesses, wizards and fairies all gathered in one occasion should blow the roof off the place. Be adventurous and don’t limit yourself to the classics when it comes to attire.

Adopt new age fantasy tales as well. I hate to say it when it comes to princes, boys don’t have a lot of options. Pretty much every prince in the Disney universe looks the same. Including more current works of fantasy will allow diversity.


Argh – even before Jack Sparrow, kids have always wanted to copy pirates. I don’t think they realize who their role models really were. Piracy is bad but pirates aren’t, not when they can’t even reach the cookie jar. Along with the party, you can even host a treasure hunt to keep the little cutthroats busy. Particularly, unruly swashbucklers can be invited to walk the plank.

That should give them a sense of adventure, something that’s lacking from their regular lives. The cake and presents will be the only things plundered and pillaged in this party. Don’t worry your kids won’t resort to piracy after this. Well, perhaps video piracy.


If you’re someone who enjoys refined sensibilities, then a Victorian themed party can be a lot of fun. Imagine your children dressed as Lords and Ladies. Wouldn’t that be elegant? I bet very few kids’ birthday parties have had the Victorian era as a theme, so you could be one of the prestigious few.

This should be awesome especially if you have plenty of friends who are socialites and who come from highly esteemed social circles and families. Moms will have fun shopping for girl’s dresses for their daughters.

The people of the Victorian high society were men and women of exceptional wealth and taste, so imitating them isn’t the worst idea in the world. Well, at least their clothes anyway. After the cake cutting, everyone can assemble in the parlor for some tea.


Do you even need a reason to host a superhero themed birthday party? Who doesn’t love superheroes? They’re the best role models your children can have. They fight for justice and uphold the truth.

See, they’re not so bad. Just keep away from characters that belong to Vertigo comics, they might be a little too much for a kid’s birthday party. Only when you’re a kid is it socially acceptable to dress up as a superhero, so don’t let this opportunity pass. When you do this as an adult, you’re either beaten to a pulp or labeled a ‘nerd’.

Not only are birthday parties more fun when they have a theme, but also more memorable. Adopting any one of the themes mentioned here will make your party the most talked about event in the neighborhood.

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Christina Higgs, the author of this post, leads a team of sales execs at Along Came a Spider, a company which makes dresses for girls. During her free time, she likes to go out with her kids and play in the park. 

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