
Five Ways To Get Your Kids Excited About Learning

LearningConvincing the children to sit down and read a book can be a difficult job if they’re not accustomed to doing this. Instilling good learning habits is not going to be done in a day, but with some patience and time, it can make learning interesting and fun for the children. Best of all, it can be done without bribery.

Turn Learning into An Adventure

Scavenger hunts, day trips and short hikes can make all the difference when it comes to trying to get your children excited about learning. Teach them history by taking them to a local historic site or museum. Teach them math with a trip to the grocery store or mall. Teach them science with a hike and insect hunt.

Watch Movies and Listen to MusicSing Science!

One of the best ways to introduce new ideas to your children is to watch a movie or listen to a song and then discuss the message behind it. Watching TV does not have to be a bad thing if followed up with meaningful conversation.

Notice Short Attention Spans

You can get creative to appeal to the youngsters, by making games out of otherwise ordinary tasks. Setting goals is a great way to do this. Ask questions and initiate a conversation rather than spelling out facts. Make songs out of stories so that children will be more inclined to repeat them.

Use the Right Equipment

LearningOne of the best ways to make science fun is to use the right tools. Purchasing laboratory microscopes and other experimental tools is a great way to encourage discovery. Many experiments can be performed safely at home and best of all, your children will learn without the necessity of a boring textbook.

Learning Continues After School


It is definitely possible to instill good habits in your children but you must also model some of the behaviors you want to see in the child. The family should spend time reading after dinner from, rather than watching television all evening. Bring in conversation about school and expand on some of the topics during dinner conversation.


Good habits need to start early but can certainly last for life. By initiating positive conversations and contributing with the right tools, you can create a child who looks forward to school each day. Building smart children leads to producing intelligent and productive adults who continue learning for a lifetime.

The author, Hannah Whittenly, is a freelance writer from Sacramento, California. A mother of two, Hannah enjoys writing on blogs of all niches.  Hannah has contributed several articles to Support for Stepdads please check out the following titles:

Four Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Weekend With the Family

How To Keep Your Family Safe In a New Neighborhood

Five Tips to Giving Your Kids the Tree House of their Dreams


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