
Family Time ~ How It’s Spent and How to Spend More

There are two ends of the scale when it comes to spending family time. There are people who love doing so, and there are people who aren’t so keen. What isn’t in question is most people would probably admit they don’t spend as much family time as they should.

Before we look at some ideas for spending more time with your family, we’re going to look at the occasions when most of us will typically spend time with family members.

Family Time – Special Occasions

Those of you who might not enjoy spending family time will often feel like you’re fulfilling an obligation during special occasions. However, there can be no doubting religious celebrations and birthdays, for example, are times you want to share with those closest to you. It is easy to take the negativity out of the equation, too. If you really didn’t want to spend time with family, you wouldn’t drive the length of the country or invite them to stay at your house, would you?

Family Time - Special Occassions

Weddings, engagements, and graduation parties are other examples of when the family might get together. A family celebration can take on many forms. Typically, they’ll be held at someone’s home involving the host cooking copious amounts of food to keep everyone happy. Perhaps the celebration may feature a fireworks display later in the evening. It is also common for families to hire out small venues or simply head out to a local restaurant or bar.

Family Time - Family gathered for a feast

Family Time – Funerals

Family Time - Family gathered at wake

Sad occasions and ones that usually cause family members in attendance, particularly extended ones that you might not see even on special occasions, to all promise that they’ll do more to see each other more often.

Whether this happens is another matter entirely, but at least the sentiment is there.

What should families do to make it happen?

Use Social Media the Right Way

Social media is brilliant for reconnecting friends and family members who might have lost touch. However, it is important families don’t simply use social media and believe this constitutes spending time with each other.

By using these platforms productively, families will become closer and spend more time together on a regular basis. It is also healthy to keep in touch via telephone, too, rather than conducting everything via Facebook.

Monthly Meet Ups

If you have a large family, then monthly meet ups might be unrealistic. However, if there’s a group of you all with young children, then you have a guaranteed play date with people you already know and are familiar with. You can have people around to your house or all agree to meet up somewhere. It doesn’t matter; the focus is on spending time together.

Visit and Invite

The single biggest barrier to families not spending time together is people are simply scared just to turn up at someone’s home for a cup of tea. Our message is this; make sure people know they can do it with you, and don’t be worried about doing it if you’ve been told the same!

Spending time with family on special occasions, having a party, bringing out the fireworks, and everything else that goes with it is great, but you should never need an excuse to simply have a chat and a catch up.

Author Bio

Ken is a businessman who has been a key instigator in bringing his family together more often. Although they have their biggest parties around special occasions, when Ken uses Fireworks Crazy to provide a bright and loud display, his family enjoys spending time together without needing a reason to do so.

Do you have any ideas on ways to spend more family time? Please share them in the Comments below.  Thank you.

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