
Home Security System – Tips to Finding the Best

Home Security System - Theft Deterrent
Basic Home Security System

If you don’t have any kind of home security system in place yet, you have plenty to gain from installing one. Homeowners with security systems can enjoy benefits like lower insurance rates, better peace of mind, and a reduced likelihood of being victims of home invasion, since many intruders are deterred by visible home alarm systems.

However, you shouldn’t just buy the first or cheapest home security system that you look at and expect great results. There are a few important factors to consider so you can find the best choice. 

Do You Want a Monitored or Self-Installed Home Security System?

Home Security 24 Hour 7 day a week MonitoringEach type of home security system offers obvious benefits.  When you have a company install and watch your system, you have a little more protection, both in terms of getting system upgrades or maintenance and having someone keeping an eye on your home in case anything does happen. 

You can feel secure you won’t be alone if something happens, and your home won’t be unguarded when you are at work or out-of-town. However, you will almost always pay more for these benefits and services. 

Home Security Systems - Do It Yourself

With a self-installed system, you might be able to get more equipment for the same price.  Even if you don’t have the help of an on-site technician, you’ll have access to tech support and other resources for both installation and troubleshooting. 

Besides, these systems are typically designed to be more advanced and self-governing so they are easy for people who aren’t professionals to work with.  Many systems automatically call 911 and are integrated enough to allow you remote access from a smart phone or other device, so you can still feel safe without any external monitoring. 

Can You Pay a Little More for Extra Services?

Home Security System - Additional Services
Extra Home Security Services

There are so many alarm home security systems offered today, from basic door or window-mounted systems to whole home monitoring systems.   Setting up a basic system that warns when entries to your home were breached is obviously better than having no system, but if you can afford to spend a little extra, you can get even more beneficial services. 

Some systems have video cameras you can watch from home or from your smart phone.  Many systems automatically call the police when an intruder is detected, and systems that detect smoke or carbon monoxide will automatically alert the fire department.

How Do You Want to Use Your Home Security System?

Many new home security systems give you the means to actively control the system.  Some systems go a step further than just allowing external monitoring from a computer or smart phone; they also allow you to control the system, by doing things like setting alarms or switching camera feeds. 

Home Security System - Mobile Device

The most advanced systems can even be integrated into other home systems so that you can control your lights and thermostats or set timed controls for them.  This can help you save enough money over time to justify spending a little more initially on the system.     

Home security systems are more portable than ever, so even if you move, you can plan on using your system for years.  This means taking the time to pick out one with all the features you need is especially important. 

There have been impressive advances in security technology in recent years, so don’t settle for anything less than what you want or need when you are looking at home security systems. 

Article courtesy of BrickHouse Security, follow them on Twitter @BrickHousesecur or read the Brickhouse Security Blog for more Industry news and updates on the latest home security and personal surveillance items. 

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