
Parenting A Teen: Correcting With Love

Parents generally agree their children’s teenage years can require creative parenting approaches.

The reward and punishment methods that were once useful during their younger adolescent years are no longer effective once children reach their teenage years.

Parenting - Teen writing, "I will follow the rules" sentences

Parents who are new to parenting a young adult may wonder how to discipline their child in an effective, yet loving way. As they strive to guide their teen through these important and formative years, parents can give the structure and discipline teens need to succeed by following several important strategies.

Parent Withdrawal of Teen Privileges

Children of any age test their boundaries to find out how much their parents will let them get away with before they are punished. In fact, it is quite normal and even expected teens will test their boundaries as they learn how to be adults and make their own decisions.

Parent - Cell Phone Contract for Tweens and Teens
Double click to read the contract

Just because this behavior is normal and expected does not mean it should be overlooked. When a teenager deliberately breaks an established rule, such as staying out past curfew or back talking their parents, that teen should be punished.

One effective technique parents have at their disposal would be the taking away of privileges. Teenagers love their privileges, which may range from driving the family’s car to having unlimited texting on their cell phone. Taking away a teen’s privileges can be a good way to teach your young adult to be accountable for their actions.

Teen - Cell Phone Prison

Parents Keep Communication Open

Some teens act out because they believe their parents are too busy to listen to or notice them. Parents who want to keep their young adult out of trouble should remember to keep the lines of communication open between them and their teenagers.

Teen - Listen, be consistent and respectful and make teen feel special

They should show an active interest in their teenagers’ activities and ask their children often how things are going, if they need help, or if they want to talk about anything that may be bothering them.

Stepdad speaking with Teen

These open lines of communication can be particularly vital if or when their teenagers get caught breaking the law. For instance, being stopped for driving under the influence remains a common offense with which teens and their parents must cope.

According to a group of Philadelphia DUI lawyers, your teen would face jail time up to five years depending on the number of offenses, fines and probation.


Grounding remains a time-honored parenting method that proves to be greatly effective with teenagers. Young adults relish the time they can spend with their friends. Many teenagers, in fact, prefer to spend more time with their friends than they do their own family members.

When a teen has violated his or her parents’ rules, this young adult may respond well to grounding. Having to stay at home and miss out on time with friends and extracurricular activities may be enough to convince teenager to abide by the rules in the future.

Teen Grounded Teenager

Parenting teens requires people try new discipline approaches that are not suitable for younger children. Utilizing age-appropriate guidance can teach teens to be accountable and help them avoid harmful behavior in the future.

Ten things your teen shouldn't be doing

Having been a foster parent to teenage girls, Melanie Fleury knows how disappointing and frustrating it can be when your child makes a bad decision, especially one with legal consequences.

The Law of Offices of Steven E. Kellis, Philadelphia DUI lawyers, can help to defend your child if they are caught and charged with a DUI. Every circumstance is unique. Having legal representation can make sure your child’s legal rights are defended properly.

Melanie would love to hear from you.  Do you have any other strategies for parenting teens? Please leave them in the Comments.  Thank you. 

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