
Allowing Your Kids to Enjoy Swimming Safely

Most children love nothing better than splashing about in a swimming pool, lake or even in the ocean. They should be free to enjoy all the fun water has to offer, but they also need to aware of the dangers so they can swim safely.

As a responsible parent, you can teach them about the potential hazards so they can enjoy swimming and you can feel relaxed while they do so. Here are some tips to entire their safety in the water:

Identify Their Abilities

If you are in charge of a group of children in a swimming pool you need to know whether or not they can swim. They will all have different levels of ability and confidence in the water.

Make sure you know of any children needing extra supervision. Also, if there is a child with a fear of water then this is something you need to keep in mind.

If you’re in charge then make sure you have taken every measure to keep all the children safe. Never feel bad about being slightly over the top about making sure everybody is safe.

Make the Rules

You need to let the children know just what the rules are before they get in the water. Tell them they should never swim on their own, and they mustn’t run around the pool edge.

If there is a ban on diving then make sure they know this, and let them know where the deep end is and where the shallow end is. 

Make sure all the children are aware of all the rules of the pool so everybody knows what is expected of them. Keep an eye on them all when they’re in the water.

Anybody that breaks the rules should be corrected and asked to get out of the pool if they continue to do so. It’s just not worth the risk to their wellbeing or the wellbeing of the children around them.

Supervise at all Times

If you are in charge, then you need to be at the poolside at all times making sure everybody is okay. Even if there is a lifeguard on duty you still need to be alert. Use a whistle to get people’s attention.

Use your common sense and if you think someone is acting in a dangerous manner then pick them up on it straight away. Make sure all pool chemicals are kept out of reach and all floats and swimming aids are available for use.

Use the Equipment

Make sure the children are using all the equipment available to them, and also make sure the equipment is in good order. Armbands, floats and pool toys can all be really useful so make sure they are all out on display and the children know how to use them safely.

When the children are leaving the pool, ask them to do so in an orderly fashion. Show them the way to the changing rooms and make sure you count everybody out of them so you don’t leave anybody behind.

About the author

About the author

Peter Rankin, is an employee at AustinProLeak, providers of swimming pool repair services. He enjoys trekking in his spare time and is very passionate about his work.

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