Stepdad Wedding

Stepfather Poetry ~ From Your Dad on Your Wedding Day


Stepfather giving away his daughter

It’s your special day

The day I give you away

Seeing you dressed in white

I clench the tears in tight


I wasn’t the one who gave you life

But I did see you grow from girl to wife

An honored privilege it is for sure

To walk you down to your future


I am so proud to be your step dad

You’re the best daughter anyone has ever had

Wedding bells are ringing

My heart is singing


Everyone watches your steps down the aisle

Your gentleman awaits you with a loving smile

From old man to young, from dad to son

I place your hand in his and it’s done


I wish you a blessed and joyous journey

Don’t forget to frequently stop and visit me

You’ve grown into a young woman of strength and beauty

I’m full of gratitude to be here to see it, to be your family.


 ~ Gerardo Campbell

Wedding Hanky with Message to Stepfather

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