Breach of Trust

The following video highlights the decisive action a Colorado mother took in defense of her daughter to prevent further sexual abuse by her stepfather. I’ve heard of similar instances where the mother like the proverbial ostrich buries her head in the sand when she’s surrounded by signs of parental abuse. I agree with Dr. Laura Schlessinger who calls people like these the bigger monsters – persons who have awareness or a sense of ongoing abuse yet do nothing to stop it.

I remember visiting my stepchildren’s grandmother better known as Medea (short for mother dear) after Roberta and I were engaged to pick up my stepdaughter to be. She showed me a picture of her and shared how much she meant to the family and she was trusting me to protect her. Based on the negative reputations of child abuse some stepfathers have contributed to I understood her message and respected the way she communicated it. An uncomfortable subject handled in a very dignified and mature way. A necessary conversation considering how some stepfathers have selfishly entered a blended family with a secret plan of sexual abuse.